Urban Strolls

A man and woman walking down the street
Urban Stroll courtesy of Shutterstock

What’s Urban Strolling?

M.J. Outcault Hill


Being in movement and outdoors takes many forms. Have you ever had yourself an urban stroll? According to vocabulary.com, you might take a stroll when the weather is nice. You’ll stroll, you’ve strolled, or you’re strolling through a park, a path, a city street. It’s an outdoor event, an experience with a community. wayfaringviews.com refers to an urban stroller that is a “flaneur”; a throw back from France of the 19th century, meaning a sort of city explorer.

Flanerie  is the act of strolling, sauntering in a urban setting.  

Originating in nineteenth century Paris, city strolling, marries the traveler and the historian, the architecture-lover and the urban interacting opportunities with the outdoor enthusiast.  

Bicycles, electric scooters and foot power takes the stroller to the next level in urban southwest outdoor experiences.  



A woman in blue dress walking on sidewalk near pillars.

Urban history, possibly a legacy business or three, the urban stroll in the desert fall season is magical. Take an electric bike on your stroll and experience the local history that our urban desert southwest has to offer this season and make a new acquaintance while strolling local stores and restaurants.